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What factors affect the quality of aluminum oxide film?
issuing time:2020-05-30     number of times read:     font:【BigMiddleSmall

The quality of aluminum oxide film is affected by many factors. If you are not careful, these factors may affect the quality of your aluminum oxide film. Next, what are the factors that affect the quality of aluminum oxide film?

1. Electrolyte temperature: The temperature of the electrolyte has a great influence on the quality of the oxide film. As the temperature increases, the dissolution rate of the film increases and the film thickness decreases.

2. Oxidation time: The choice of oxidation time depends on the concentration of electrolyte, temperature, anode current density and required film thickness.

3. Stirring and moving: Promote the convection of the electrolyte, enhance the cooling effect, ensure the uniformity of the solution temperature, and will not cause the quality of the oxide film to decline due to local heating of the metal.

4. Current density: within a certain range, the current density increases, the growth rate of the film increases, the oxidation time is shortened, the pores of the film increase, and the hardness and wear resistance increase; if the current density is too high, the surface of the part will be overheated. , the local solution temperature increases, the dissolution rate of the film increases, and the current density will burn the part. When the film is low, the growth rate is slow, but the film is dense and the hardness and wear resistance decrease.

5. Sulfuric acid concentration: generally 15%-20%. With the increase of the concentration, the dissolution rate of the film increases, the growth rate of the film decreases, the porosity of the film is high, the adsorption force is strong, the film is elastic, and the dyeing performance is good (it is easy to dye dark colors), but the hardness and wear resistance With the decrease of sulfuric acid concentration, the growth rate of the oxide film is accelerated, the film pores are small, the hardness is high, and the wear resistance is good.

The above is an introduction to the factors that affect the quality of aluminum oxide film.

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